Contenuti Principali

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With important companies, research centres, universities and top national and international key players, Piemonte is a highly competitive hub for digital technologies and solutions.

The ICT project offers international players the shortest way to meet and start business with top class companies from Piemonte, Italy.
All activities are promoted by Regione Piemonte (Regional Government), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 and carried out by Piemonte Agency.


All member companies of this project are active in the following fields:

  • Digital enablers: companies operating in the leading areas of the ICT sector: Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Blockchain, Big Data, Cloud computing, Cybersecurity, IoT, Metaverse
  • Digital creativity: companies offering solutions and services, such as: Virtual and Augmented Reality / Immersive Reality, Gaming, Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Digital Cinema, 2D/3D Animation, Special Effects, Music playlists and downloads; production, post-production and distribution activities for film, video and TV programmes
  • Servises solutions: companies offering solutions and services in areas other than manufacturing, such as Banking, Insurance, Retail, Social, Circular Economy
  • Digital production solutions: companies offering solutions for industry, such as: Automotive & Transportation, Industrial Automation, Aerospace, Energy, Construction, Medical, Agribusiness, Oil & gas

Find the right partner for your business

Piemonte Agency’s assistance is completely free-of-charge. Our Team ascertains international players’ needs and upon request suggests possible suppliers and partners and arranges matchmaking activities: organization of b2b meetings in Piemonte or on one’s premises, visits to local companies to discover the region’s cleantech sector, participation in international events and trade missions to connect demands and supplies. Thanks to new technologies and platforms virtual meetings can also be arranged.


Rosanna Viola

Division Manager

T: +39 011 6700.685/557

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